Meet legal requirements

The use of the Digital Interview Cycle enables you to unlock the HRM core process in a digital personnel file. This enables you to meet all the legal requirements of 'good employment practices' in this area all at once. Being a good employer also means creating a personell file for all the members of your workforce.

As an employer or manager, you know that the development of employees is anything but a given. If an employee doesn't function well, you may be balancing between giving (extra) trust and working on a watertight file. The HR concept and the legal aspect of "good employership" coincide in essence: good employership involves giving confidence and sees file creation as a necessary means.

Wetgeving en ontslag

In practice, it appears that the file creation process does not start until the defect has occurred. You will often already have lost confidence in the employee in question if you start by writing down points for improvement or undesirable behaviour. This is often too late and creates undesirable situations that an employer. Without a file, an application for a dismissal permit at UWV or a request for dissolution at the Subdistrict Court is often not issued. In addition, a severance payment is often higher than is the case with a conclusive file. Investing in the Digital Interview Cycle therefore means 'prevention' instead of 'cure'.

Best practices for good employership

An important provision of the (Dutch) Civil Law concerning the employer-employee relationship is the obligation for the parties to behave as good employers and employees respectively. This means that they must both take into account the requirements of reasonableness and fairness, taking into account all relevant circumstances, as well as the application of generally recognised legal principles. This mutual obligation applies both to the conclusion of an employment contract and to its performance and termination. In order to decide whether the legal requirements of being a good employer have been met, the number of steps taken by the employer to terminate the employment relationship is often taken into account. The severance pay is also calculated on this basis. Good communication is, as often, an important part of the process.

Icon Feedback Provide clear and open feedback

Icon Commitments Maak afspraken die SMART-gebaseerd zijn

Icon Meetings Schedule interviews that are SMART based

Icon Appraisal Record everything in writing and build a file

Important advantages of complying with legal requirements

You meet the requirements of being a good employer;
You let employees know that you take legislation seriously;
The UWV or the subdistrict court will accept your case in a dismissal procedure.
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